
Introducing Filly Kentucky Bluegrass!

September 2020

Strong Seed Movement

As we moving rapidly into fall, demand for seed continues to remain very strong. Consumer demand has been great, and may be memorable for years to come. We will comment on a few categories:

  • Forage and Turf Fescue - Movement has been excellent for fawn, KY-31 and turf tall fescue.
  • Annual ryegrass - Demand for proprietary varieties has increased the past 45 days. Gulf demand is moderate.
  • Forage Perennial - Limited supplies have reduced movement. New crop yet to be cleaned.
  • Orchardgrass - Steady shipments have done a good job cleaning up old crop and putting pressure on cleaning new.
  • Annual clovers - Crimson and balansa have both experienced very good movement.
  • Perennial clover - Dutch white and ladino new crop can’t arrive soon enough. Medium red movement steady.
  • Hairy vetch - Very good movement. Nearly all old-crop now sold out. Limited new crop availability.
  • Winter Peas - There was virtually no carryover. With new crop now available, shipping is steady.
  • Brassicas - Radish and turnip movement cleaned up old crop; with the first lots of new cropped shipping out quickly.

Transportation Challenges

What also will likely be memorable is the intense transportation difficulties affecting all of us. Demand for freight is far outweighing supply, resulting in significant delays and higher prices.

At the time of this writing, Oregon is also facing added challenges of numerous wildfires affecting not only transportation and business operations, but individual lives. Our transportation sources tell us to expect these issues to continue at least through the early part of October

2020 Crop Observations

Overall, we are quite pleased with the seed quality from this year’s crops. Our turf tall fescues have been very clean, with most lots crop and weed free. Annual ryegrasses lots have also been essentially of very good mechanical purity. Hairy vetches seem to be down in yield and up in impurities. Early clovers also have been pleasantly clean

Regarding yields, average to slightly below average, will likely be the way 2020 harvest will be remembered

Filly - A New Workhorse Bluegrass

Filly Kentucky bluegrass is now available. This multi-purpose work-horse bluegrass is ideal for medium and low maintenance turf areas. Filly has show robust coverage, good summer patch disease resistance, as well as resistance to drought and summer stress. Choose Filly for home and commercial lawn areas with decreased maintenance requirements.

Additionally, Filly has performed quite well in the University of Kentucky’s forage trial, exhibiting 98% stand after four years and providing high yield performance. Filly is now on the approved list of recommended forage bluegrass for the State of Kentucky. Choose Filly for you horse pasture and other forage mixes, to increase pasture density and resilience to summer stresses. Ask your Smith Seed Representative for pricing and availability.

Filly Kentucky Bluegrass