
Abril 2011

April 2011

Market Report

While we can’t comment on all the markets, we are hearing and feeling the impact of some bright spots out there. On the retail side, initial turf orders have been good. We also know that there is carryover lawn damage from fall which did not get repaired. We expect there will also be damage from this winter, once it is finally over!

On the forage side, some of the clover sales have been disappointing. Also, high grain prices appear to be adversely impacting pasture seedings. That said, again, initial movement has been fairly decent.

While you may not see it in your specific market, it is worth noting that international sales have been strong. This will affect excess inventories of both turf and forage crops. It also affects the attitude of those holding such inventories. As you may be aware, significant acreage reduction took place over the past two years for both turf-type tall fescue and perennial ryegrass acres. So both current and future inventories are seeing notable adjustments.

How does all this impact pricing? At minimum, it has kept prices very stable over the past four months. It appear this trend may also continue for most crops. In fact, we likely will see price increases in many crops, including turf-type tall fescue, turf-type perennial ryegrass, fawn and KY-31, orchardgrass, fine fescues, red clover and crimson clover

Titan Rx Is Coming Soon!

While 2011 harvest is still a few months away, we are already looking forward to one of our newest releases - Titan Rx turf-type tall fescue. This will be the first full crop of Titan Rx, the 4th generation Titan variety.

We’ve been working on Titan Rx for over five years and are very excited about it. The Titan varieties are well known and valued for providing durable attractive turf, even when conditions are less than ideal. Titan Rx continues that legacy by combining all the excellent features of the previous parentage with further selections for improved color, even stronger resistance to brown patch, heat, drought and winter, and increased rhizome growth.

Pictures from trials in Griffin, GA, show Titan’s ability to manage the heat better than other varieties, as well as photos on its ability to fill in bare spots quicker are available at TitanFescue.com. They are worth seeing!

Demonstration of how Titan Rx can fill in an "X" over time that has been killed
Two trial plots one mostly dead one mostly alive, showing Titan Rx's ability to survive heat

Did you know?

Do you know why Kentucky-31(KY-31) tall fescue is called “Kentucky 31”? It has to do with where it was found and when it was found. That’s right, KY-31 was found in Kentucky at the W.M Suiter Farm in Menifee County, KY, to be exact) in 1931 by Dr E.N. Fergus of the University of Kentucky. That means, KY-31 is 80 years old! That’s old!

Wild Winter

Portland, OR: 28 days of rain in March & never saw a high over 59°F from December 13th till March 30th.

Sierra Nevada Mountains: Over 60 FEET of snow fell this winter, surpassing average snowfalls by 150%. WOW!